Raised in Lagos, Nigeria, Chidera Orazulike is a senior at UT Austin majoring in Radio, TV, & Film with a minor in African and African Diaspora Studies. Passionate about amplifying marginalized voices and telling their stories, they are involved in the Queer and Trans Black Indigenous People of Color Agency and Texas Black Lens. Through their work in screenwriting and sound design, they hope to shed the Western perspective of mental health and provide a representation to indigenous ontologies and practices.

During the 24-Hour Lock-In residency, Chidera developed the second draft of my feature screenplay, “No Victor, No Vanquished.” Inspired by my family, it tells the story of Fumnanya, a teen mother who must move from rural Enugu to urban Lagos during the Biafran War to provide for her family. It recently won the Robert Foshko Screenplay Competition at The University of Texas at Austin.

During the first Artist Meet UP hosted by Unlisted Projects, Chidera invited audience members to do an impromptu reading of “No Victor, No Vanquished” which built excitement about the future of the film.

© 2024 Unlisted Projects All Rights Reserved.

This project was funded in part by the Cultural Arts Division of the City of Austin Economic Development Department as well as the Texas Commission on the Arts.